Seminar Notes

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Class Notes
The Book of Psalms

Lesson 1: Hebrew Poetry
Lesson 2: Messianic Psalms I
Lesson 3: Messianic Psalms II
Lesson 4: The Psalms of Ascents I
Lesson 5: The Psalms of Ascents II
Lesson 6: The Penitential Psalms
Lesson 7: The Wisdom Psalms
Lesson 8: The Psalms of Lament
Lesson 10: The Psalms of Praise


The Book of Proverbs
(primary source for notes: Bob Deffinbaugh of

Lesson 1: Introduction to Proverbs
Lesson 2: Two Ways in Proverbs
Lesson 3: The Simple and the Fool
Lesson 4: The Sluggard / God and Man in Proverbs
Lesson 5: Proverbs and Politics
Lesson 6: Biblical Attitude, Acquisition, and Use of Money
Lesson 7: Qualities of a Godly Mate / Model for Marriage
Lesson 8: Wisdom and Child Rearing


Christian Money Management

Session 1: Overview of Christian Money Management
Session 2: Compound Interest
Session 3: Obstacles to Wealth: Procrastination & Overspending
Session 4: Inflation and Taxes
Session 5: Automating Your Investments / Mutual Funds (SEC info)
Session 6: Maximizing Your Human Capital
Session 7: Ordering Your Financial Life I

Balance Sheet
Annual Cash Budget
Income/Expense Statement
Budget Control Schedule

Session 8: Ordering Your Financial Life II
Session 9: Wealth Management and Growth



Galatians 1-2
Galatians 3:15-29
Galatians 4:8-5:1
Galatians 5:2-12 and 6:12-16
Galatians 6:1-11, 17-18

Genesis Genesis 25-26
Genesis 25-28
Genesis 29-33
Geneiss 34-36
Genesis 37
Genesis 38
Genesis 39-40
Genesis 41-43
Genesis 42
Genesis 42-44
Inductive Bible Study Session 1: Observation, Interpretation, Application
Session 2: Rings of Context (Philippians Chart Example)
Session 3: Strategies for Effective Reading I (Philipp 1:12-26, Laws of Structure)
Session 4: Strategies for Effective Reading II (Philipp 1:27-30)
No session 5
Session 6: Understanding Genres 1 - Epistles
Session 7: Understanding Genres 2 - OT Narratives
Session 8: Understanding Genres 3 - Acts (Philipp 2:19-30)
Session 9: Understanding Genres 4 - the Gospels
Session 10: Understanding Genres 5 - Parables/The Law (Philipp 3:17-21)
Session 11: Philipp 4:1-9, 4:10-23

Leadership Training Seminar

Session 1: Nature of Leadership I
Session 2: Nature of Leadership II
Session 3: The Importance of Vision
Session 4: Key to Successful Leadership: Attitude
No Session 5
Session 6: Principle-Centered Leadership
Session 7: Influence (Eight Steps)
Notes on Effective Teaching
Notes on Human Capital


Mark Mark 1-2
Mark 2-3
Mark 4
Mark 5
Mark 6
Mark 7
Mark 8
Mark 9
Mark 10
Old Testament Survey

Session 1 - OT Geography, Canonicity, and Quick History

Old Testament Survey (Pictorial Survey of the OT (Matt Short))
Structure of the Old Testament
Chronological Relationship of OT Books
Bible Timeline (Biblical Timeline of the OT (Grace Son)
Eras of OT History
Map of Palestine 1, 2, 3 (Political Map, Neighboring Countries, Other Maps)

Session 2 - OT Interpretation and Genesis 1-11

Genealogies in Genesis (Ben Kim)

Session 3 - God and His Creation / Patriarchs

Journey of Abraham
Journey of Patriarchs

Session 4 - God and the Exodus

The Tabernacle (Article on the Tabernacle)
Camp of Israel Wandering Order

Session 5 - God and His Law

Priestly Line in Israel
Article on Capital Punishment

Session 6 - God and the Land of Promise

Gods of the Nations
Central Campaign Map

Southern Campaign Map
Northern Campaign Map
Article on the Promised Land
Article on Merneptah Stela

Session 7 - God and the Beginning of the Monarchy

United Kingdom Map
United Kingdom vs. Israel today (map)
Solomon's Sins

Session 8 - God and the United Kingdoms
Session 9 - God and the Exile and Restoration

Return from Exile (map)

Session 10 - God and Wisdom

Chiasm Example

Session 11 - God and the Major Prophets

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled
Alphabetic Acrostic in Lamentations (in Hebrew)
Daniel's Prophetic Calendar
Article on Cyrus predicted by Isaiah

Session 12 - God and the Minor Prophets

Article on Missionary Failure
Five Spiritual Truths (Jenny Hong)
Intertestamental Period


New Testament Survey

Session 1 - Background of the NT
Session 2 - The Gospels, Part I
Session 3 - The Gospels, Part II
- Meaning of Luke 1:16-17
- Meaning of Matthew 11:12
Session 4 - Acts
Session 5 - Pauline Epistles: Galatians and Thessalonians
Session 6 - Pauline Epistles: Corinthians and Romans
Session 7 - Pauline Epistles: Prison Epistles
Session 8 - Pauline Epistles: Pastoral Epistles
Session 9 - General Epistles
Session 10 - Book of Revelation


1 Timothy 1 Timothy 1
1 Tmothy 2:1-7
1 Timotny 2:8-15
1 Timothy 3
1 Timothy 4
1 Timothy 5
1 Timothy 6
2 Timothy 2 Timothy 1
2 Timothy 2
World Youn Wha Ryu Association Six Principles